what to do if your dog catches a cold?

what to do if your dog catches a cold?

The weather is very cold in winter, and you will catch a cold if you are not careful. Owners should also be careful about their dogs catching colds while adding clothes for themselves. After all, dogs cannot speak, so they can only rely on their owners to pay more attention.  Dog cold symptoms  Only by knowing some common symptoms of dog colds can we detect and judge the dog's condition...

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How do I take care of my dog in the winter?

How do I take care of my dog in the winter?

Many dog owners will have this view: "My furry child has so much fur that it is falling out everywhere, so why is it still cold?" Yes, in the long evolutionary journey of dogs, the role of fur is obviously to keep out the cold. . However, in modern society, dogs have become more and more accustomed to the definition of "pet". After being sheltered at room temperature for a...

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How do you prevent a dog's nail from getting infected?

How do you prevent a dog's nail from getting infected?

Many pets raised by pet lovers will ignore the problem of pet toenails. Excessively long toenails will deform the pet's toenails, affect walking, and even cause paronychia to inflame and completely fall off the toenails. Therefore, you should take your pet out for walks and polish their nails every day. If you don’t have time, you should also trim your pet’s toenails regularly. If you don’t know how to cut,...

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How do you prevent mites in dogs?

How do you prevent mites in dogs?

If you do not clean the ear canal or take a bath for a long time and allow water to enter the ears, it will cause ear inflammation or the formation of ear mites. Severe ear mites can cause deafness in pets. Some pets need to pluck their ear hair, such as the Poodle Bichon Schnauzer, etc. You need to use ear hair pliers to pluck out most of the...

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